UC DRN Exclusive Live Event | Thursday, Oct. 12th @ 9AM PST | "Building Resilience Together"

UC DRN Exclusive Live Event | Thursday, October 12th @ 9AM | "Building Resilience Together"

"Building  Resilience Together"

Since July, we've witnessed devastating wildfires across Hawaii, Washington, and Canada; historical European heat, devastating floods across Morocco, Chile, China, and more...In Southern California extreme heat, a hurricane, and a series of earthquakes compounded to impact communities in quick succession. The American Red Cross identifies this "acute to chronic shift" as pivotal, while many ponder the potential for irreversible biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse. University of California Disaster Resilience Network (UC DRN) calls on you to participate in our inaugural UC Disaster Resilience Day, uniting talented, passionate leadership across and beyond the world's most powerful University to address these interconnected crises. Students, faculty, researchers, administrators, community members, and professionals of all stripes are more than welcome: you're required.

 RSVP for the Event Using the Button Below

Join UC DRN Co-Chair, Janet Napolitano; Chief of Branch Sujit Mohanty, UN Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR); and Global AI Innovation Leader Rodrigo Madanes, Ernst & Young for the inaugural Disaster Resilience Day on October 12, 2023 @ 9:00AM PST at the UC Center Sacramento or via Livestream -- RSVP BELOW

Founder and Faculty Director, UC Berkeley's Center for Security in Politics
The event is co-hosted by the University of California Disaster Resilience Network (UC DRN), key sponsors and partners, and the UC Center Sacramento. It coincides with the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day.
Founder and Faculty Director, Center for Security in Politics, UC Berkeley

STEP 1: Register for Free
STEP 1: Register for Free

October 12th, 2023 | "Building Resilience Together" UC Disaster Resilience Network Live Event

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
With Special Thanks Event Co-Sponsors: Americares, Miyamoto, and Platinum Sponsor Ernst & Young
The event is co-hosted by the University of California Disaster Resilience Network (UC DRN), key sponsors and partners, and the UC Center Sacramento. It coincides with the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day.
Event Details & Agenda...
We will have in-person and online participation from UC DRN affiliates (campuses, labs, medical centers, UC Office of the President, faculty, administrators, and students), universities across California and the World, State agencies, the Legislature, the CA Governor’s Office, California cities/city organizations, community organizations, private sector, federal/national entities, international organizations, and the media.
  • Morning: Slated Keynotes (UC & Policy focus – Prof. Janet Napolitano; National/international focus – United Nations); presentation on UC DRN deliverables and prospects - Prof. LeRoy Westerling; panel on resilience initiatives led by Prof. Napolitano; panel with state agencies led by Abby Browning, CalOES Chief.
  • Lunch: awards, partnership launches and textbook launch
  • Afternoon: Parallel break-out sessions to highlight specific research initiatives (e.g., data science, climate, health, water resources) and partnerships (American Red Cross, EY, Miyamoto Int’l, Univ. of Chile, etc.) and presentations of systemwide approaches that benefit the public (UC Vice President Theresa Maldonado.
  • The Day would be facilitated by a respected professional and would be followed by a happy hour for Informal networking.

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